Hi guys,
I just received a few updated contacts, and I just thought I would use that impetus to send out a quick note to everyone to let you know that we are getting ready to start practicing indoors soon. We are awaiting gym confirmation.
A few things you should know ahead of this...
-- if you did not pay the deposit of $100 in fall at tryouts, you must pay that before attending any practices. Insurance demands this.
-- you must also eventually register for the park, either online or at the March 12 or March 26th dates at NBCC.
-- after the final registration date, you must be registered and have paid the deposit to continue practicing with the team. I hope that makes sense. Insurance demands it.
-- Final spots (12 total) will be filled in tryouts on March 31 and April 1 at the park, weather permitting. I am expecting all current players to attend as well to help me evaluate the new comers by having them to compare to.
-- we are finishing getting suppliers and uniform details settled. We should have all this wrapped up and order way ahead of time. Start thinking of whether your son might need a larger jersey if you played last year. I want to get these ordered and delivered ASAP once we have the sheets finalized. Fees will probably be between $150-$175, and most have already paid the first $100 of that.
-- if you had any uncredited fundraising from last year, those amounts are being turned over to the treasurer on Monday, and checks are being written to you this week coming up. I apologize for the long wait in this. It was beyond my control, and steps have been put in place to see that it never happens again. Changes in the administration have been made, including my being given a much larger role in the travel program. There will be no fundraising for us this year for our team, only for 12u and the Cooperstown trip.
-- our tournaments this year will be districts, Lewiston, states (three weekends in a row starting June 28), and then a Rochester tournament in late July (park will be closed this week for girls tourney).
-- Bob Noah, Joe Hassett, and I will comprise the coaching staff again. We will eventually hold a meeting to lay out our expectations for the year concerning responsibilities, conduct, interactions between parents and players, etc.... We feel we have always had a good democratic system of coaching and handling the players, and we have had very few if any bad incidents. I hope you will trust us to do what is best.
-- We would like to discuss the possibility of relinquishing some of the non-coaching duties to a parent or two. We will need a team manager and score keeper. I would personally like to discuss this with anyone interested. Please let me know. These are very important roles that we need done right. Thanks!
I hope everyone is having a great off season, and I will be in touch within the next two weeks with gym dates. Please try to take care of as much planning for the above as you can so we can all start together. I guess that wasn't a very quick note...was it? See you all soon. Bob